Now that almost everyone has had an opportunity to reflect on their current lives and goals, learning a new language seems like the perfect way to spend time in quarantine.
While no one should feel pressure to be productive during these difficult times, it can always be fun to try something new or improve old skills.
In case you wanted to spice up your daily routine at home, here is a list of some of the best ways to begin your language journey.
Listen to music in your target language
This is a popular method for a reason. If you want a quick and easy way to brush up on your language skills anytime and anywhere, this is a great solution. All you need to do is find a playlist in a new language and try translating the lyrics as well as you can. For even less effort, just sit back, relax, and soak in the foreign words.
Watch TV shows in your target language
This is another perfect way to improve your listening and reading skills while binging your favorite series. The subtitles should always be on while watching TV shows and movies, but there are a couple of different ways to utilize them. For beginners, either listen to the show in english and have the subtitles in the target language, or listen to the show in the target language and have the subtitles in english. If you are more familiar with the language, listen to the show in the target language with the subtitles on in the same language.
Talk to yourself in your target language
It may seem weird and embarrassing to talk to yourself aloud, but it is one of the best ways to boost your conversational skills. Narrating your morning routine can expand your vocabulary, improve pronunciation, and make you a better speaker overall. The most important part is making mistakes, as they are key to bringing you closer to fluency.
Think in your target language
This is very similar to talking to yourself in your target language, except it can be done anywhere at any time. When you attempt to think in your desired language, you will begin to realize what vocabulary and conjugations are crucial to expressing yourself. It will take some time, but soon enough you will be able to think in your target language without giving it a second thought.
Create vocabulary sticky notes
While you are stuck in the house, you might as well decorate with some colorful sticky notes. Put sticky notes on the most commonly used items in your home with the translation in your target language. These objects are the things you use the most, so it is helpful to know what they are called in the language you are learning. The language will be everywhere you look, meaning it will always be in the back of your mind.
Use internet resources
Even if you are not enrolled in a language class, it doesn’t mean you have to miss out on learning a desired language. There are countless videos on YouTube with culture, vocabulary, and grammar tips. You can learn a new language through fun and engaging apps like Duolingo, Mango, and many more. If you prefer a more structured learning style, think about hiring a tutor through sites like italki and Verbling. You can even listen to podcasts while you brush your teeth. You have the whole world at your fingertips–take advantage of it.