On Thursday morning, Nov. 28, 2024, more than 2,000 runners gathered at Cal Lutheran University for the second annual Turkey Day Dash.
For 15 years, the YMCA led the Turkey Day Dash, inviting thousands annually to the CLU campus before the big Thanksgiving feast. The Dash was canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic and remained on hiatus in 2021 and 2022, leaving a void in the Thanksgiving morning tradition.
Five07 stepped in to reignite the tradition and restart the annual counter, rallying support from local businesses and the community. Five07 introduced the Zack Zernik Mile Run/Walk to honor Zachary Zernik. Zernick was a Thousand Oaks High School graduate and Turkey Day Dasher who died at age 22.
In 2023, the Dash raised $56,700, which was divided among the race’s nonprofit sponsors.
Zack Zernik Memorial Scholarship
Two Thousand Oaks High School students were awarded the inaugural Zack Zernik Memorial Scholarship. Senior Myles Green and junior Olivia Johnson each received a $500 award to put toward their education.

The scholarship, given in Zernik’s memory, honors his dedication to academics and community service. The award committee looked for students who demonstrate an interest in community service, environmental stewardship, music or athletics.
“He continues to be a role model I’ve been chasing since I joined Troop 753 as a young scout,” Green said. “He encouraged those who knew him to make the most of every moment.”
Green, like Zernik, is a member of the Center for Advanced Studies and Research and has worked his way up as a Boy Scout. Johnson is also part of the Center.
“I enjoy giving back to my community,” said Green. Alongside his brother, senior Maxwell Green, worked on a community project cleaning and building additions to the Wildwood Canyon and Two Springs Trails.
The scholarship was originally planned for two recipients, the award committee found it difficult to narrow the selection. After the Zack Zernik Mile Run/Walk, they announced three awardees: Green, Johnson and a student from Agoura High School.
All proceeds from this year’s dash will be divided equally among the Southeast Ventura County YMCA, the Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks Foundation and the Ventura County Council of Boy Scouts.